Spectator (Names L thru R)
Names in white with a black background indicate the classmate is deceased
David Lambert | Robert Langham | Margaret Laslo | Larry Layton | James Le Pere |
Russell Leberknight | Rose Marie Lechack | Russell (Ben) Leibfreid | Barbara Leppert | Yvonne Lindsey |
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Peter Linjeris | Ava Livengood | William Livingston | Edwina Lloyd | James Locke |
Ronald Lohr | Donald Long | Joann Lonsinger | George Lorditch | Ruth Lowery |
Catherine Magistro | Michael Makarich | Delores Malysko | La Rue Margroum | Natalie Marthouse |
Paul Martin | Andrew Martinek, Jr | Edward Maser | Ernest McClelland | Audrey McCowan |
Howard McCreary | Kenneth McCreary | Mary Lou McGunigal | James McKee | Ruth McKowan |
Daniel McMillan | Dorothy McMillen | Robert McWilliams | Richard Meagher | Dorsey Mearkle |
Richard Meyer | Shirley Mickle | Carole Miller | David Miller | Edward Miller |
Ray Miller | Shirley Miller | Tom Miller | Leonard Mitas | Esther Moeller |
Delores Montag | Rose Monteleone | Gerald Moran | Carol Mraz | Donald Murphy |
Jay Murphy | Donna Musser | Roger Myers | Delia Najjar | Charles Nale |
Simon Naugle | David Neuner | Janet Niessner | Laverne Niessner | Nancy Nightengale |
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James Nitch | Lorraine Noon | Elizabeth Noonan | Fred Norman | Edward Nosko |
Charles Nycum | Jane O'Rourke | Clarence Olsen | Richard Opperman | Eleanor Oravec |
Ida Mae Orris | Laura Oswald | Lynne Overdorff | Frank Oxen | Joyce Page |
Patricia Palmer | Nancy Partsch | Mildred Pasternak | Helen Pastorek | William F Patterson |
William J Patterson | Delores Pavlick | Robert Pavlick | Raymond Pearce | Dorothy Pender |
Carol Pennington | Donald (Camut) Pentz | Marian Perret | Jean Peters | Pauline Piasente |
Evelyn Picklo | Frances Pisarchik | Frances Pizzino | Fred Pokrzywa | Donald Poling |
Josephine Popolo | Ruth Ann Powell | Frances Prenchak | Jack Prescott | Dorothy Price |
Kerry Price | Angeline Prieto | Bill Pruzensky | Noreen Puraza | Gloria Quarles |
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Margaret Quarles | Lorraine Quinn | Angeline Raco | Marilyn Rafferty | Mary Louise Ragan |
Delores Rager | Jack Rager | Robert Rager | Ronald Rainey | Joseph Ramach |
Michael Ramach | Nancy Ramsell | Don Rapp | Joseph Rebar | Margaret Renda |
Erla Ressler | Harvey Ressler | Sylvia Richardson | Sara Riddinger | Norma Riffle |
James Riley III | Judith Ripley | Dorothea Rish | Amelia Rizzo | Lois Rizzo |
Edward Roberts | Pat Roberts | Mary Lee Robson | Thomas Roseman | Mary Louise Roser |
Raymond Roth | Roger Rouser | Sandra Russell | Delores Rzasa |